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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Crysis 2 editor and free CryEngine SDK

As hinted at a few months ago Crytek plans to not only add a free editor for its recent first person shooter Crysis 2 but will also release a free stand alone version of itsCryEngine 3 game development tools.

In a message on the (currently being revamped) CryMod.com web site, Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli states that early this summer the editor for Crysis 2 will be released for people who want to make new levels and content for the game. However in August will come the CryEngine SDK. Yerli says, "This will be a complete version of our engine, including C++ code access, our content exporters (including our LiveCreate real-time pipeline), shader code, game sample code from Crysis 2, script samples, new improved Flowgraph and a whole host of great asset examples, which will allow teams to build complete games from scratch for PC." Crytek plans to release regular updates to the tools and will also provide documentation to use the tools.

While developers can create free stand alone games with the CryEngine SDK, they can also choose to sell those games commercially. Yerli states, "If you want to take your product down a traditional commercial route, we will offer an innovative low cost licensing model if you want to release your game digitally." No details on that model have been announced yet.

Download Crysis 2 Patch for PC

Crysis 2 is better than part 1 If you have been waiting for a new PC patch for Crysis 2 your wait is over. Crytek's official message boards for the game have revealed the patch notes for the just released PC patch. The notes reveal that the patch contains some more anti-cheating measures along with the option for crouch toggle in both single player and multiplayer.

There's also some login issues that are fixed as well as one that caused some players to lose Nano Catalyst points after restarting the game. Steam users who have already downloaded the patch are apparently getting some long loading times but the Steam version should have that fixed in a few days.