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Thursday, October 27, 2011

 SPB MOBILE SELL v3.7.1 635 S60v5 S^3 Signed App With KeygenSPB Mobile Shell with next generation UI “User Interface”, New and updated featuresSPB Mobile Shell keeping alladvantages of s60v5 S^3 devices and the cool widgets to fully customize your device home screen such as contacts, picture frame, weather report, wireless switches and much more. SPB Mobile Shell also keeping finger friendly contacts, fast access to all your devicefeatures and integrated tools.
SPB Mobile Shell finger friendly contacts feature provide you widget based photo contacts on home screen, photo call log, smart contact search, 3D favorite contacts carousel, ringtone management and more. Fast access features pinned shortcuts, recently used programs, finger friendly task manager and more. SPB Mobile Shell comes with integrated tools such as weather forecasts, current weather, agenda view, world time, wireless switches. SPB Mobile Shell allows you to customize you device with your preferences 3D carousel with especial effects, make you own home screen using widgets, change background, customize menu bar, change widget skins. SPB Mobile Shell also allow you to use two type of home screen at once just slid finger top to bottom and change screen select at own choose Professional or lifestyle.

Download Photo Browser 2 for Nokia N8,E7,701,600

Photo Browser 2 Nokia SymbianOS9.4 S60v5 & OS9.5 S^3 Application. Photo Browser 2 application smart way to view your photos collection, Photo Browser 2 easy sorting your photos and albums by month and make it easy for you to search any photo according events. Photo Browser 2 with beautiful animation any movement in the program looks amazing. Photo Browser 2 supported to work in portrait and landscape modes. You can easily scale photos just by double clicking on the screen. if you want to see photos in more detail just hold your finger on photo for few seconds. Photo Browser 2 also supports all other standard features such as rotating and delete.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Download free Angry Birds Season Ham’O'Ween for Android and iPhone Device

Angri Birds Season is new launch his new game version is Ham O ween. It was a dark and stormy night… but that won’t stop the Angry Birds! Pursue the pigs through 30 levels filled with pumpkin patches, exploding jack-o-lanterns, and creepy skeletons, lit by a full moon and eerie lantern light. You’ll get some unexpected help from a BRAND NEW BIRD – he starts out small, but don’t let his looks fool you! Complete all the levels to find some special tricks and treats!
In addition, the Mighty Eagle is now available for Seasons! This in-app purchase lets you use the Mighty Eagle to destroy difficult levels and collect special achievements.

This year’s Halloween episode marks a year of great Angry Birds Seasons episodes, but we’re not done yet! Download now to get access to 205 great levels!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Download TwimGo For MeeGo, Meemo Nokia N8,Nokia N9,Nokia E7

TwimGo is a Twitter client for Maemo, Symbian and MeeGo devices. It containes all the basic functionality like home, mentions, favourites etc. timelines, search, lists, trends. You can also easily open links and search mentioned hashtags. TwitPic and yFrog photo preview is shown in tweet details.
Download Here :

Now Chance to Win Nokia N9

IdeasProject is giving chance to win Nokia N9 it's new Smartphone in Wold. you can win this phone with some new Idea for Future Phones.IdeasProject is an online community for everybody from all around the world to brainstorm. It enables the two-way exchange of ideas between users and   developers around innovation powered by Nokia.

IdeasProject is founded on philosophy of democratized innovation and idea crowdsourcing. We believe that users are able to innovate products and services for themselves and that user-centered innovation offers great advantages over the manufacturer-centric innovation development systems that have been the mainstay of commerce  for hundreds of years. Users that innovate can develop exactly what they want, rather than relying on manufacturers to act as their, often very imperfect, agents. Moreover, individual users do not have to develop everything they need on their own: they can benefit from innovations developed and freely shared by others, which leads us to open innovation, another principle of IdeasProject. Read more about idea crowdsourcing from a white paper The Promise of Idea Crowdsourcing – Benefits, Contexts, Limitation written by Stanford University and Imperial College London.

Open innovation encourages companies to embrace ideas from outside to  strengthen the viability of its products in the market. Users like we and you are sharing ideas with different players like companies, developers, experts, NGO's and all who can help in realization of  ideas. By the same token, ideas developed within the company that are  not  being used should be shared freely with the public, e.g. with application developers and start-ups.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Download New Symbian Themes : Neon of Lights

Neon of Lights is a free Symbian S60 theme for Nokia phones created. It is available in Symbian Belle, Symbian Anna & Symbian^1 versions.

new icon set
400+ custom icon with some 3rd parties

Download Gravity 2.00.7001 for Nokia N8 and Nokia N9

Gravity is the first fully-featured and native Twitter client for the S60 platform. It supports multiple accounts, Twitter Search, Laconica, Ping.fm, posting of pictures via MobyPicture & TwitPic and wraps everything into a gorgeous looking interface.

Download YouTube Videos Downloader Udwnldr for Windows Phone 7

In case you were looking for a YouTube downloader for your Windows Phone 7, then Udownldr might be your natural choice. According to the app developers, you will be able to download YouTube videos directly on your Windows Phone 7 mobile with integrated options to pause and resume downloading. There is also an integrated player with this app that lets you play videos and allows basic controls like Zoom In and Zoom Out. And the best part is that this app is free without any trial limitations for the time being.

The above paragraph pretty much narrates developer’s viewpoint and in order to verify that this app does what it says, we decided to take it for a spin on our HTC HD7. Apparently we were immediately bumped by the fact that this app wasn’t available in Marketplace if you ran a keyword search with app’s name i.e Udownldr. So we decided to search it with the term “Bulldozer”, Bulldozer Mobile are creators of this WP7 app, and bingo! After installing the app on our phone, we launched it and were surprised to see a heavily pixelated “U” followed by “downldr” under it. The first impression wasn’t impressive at all but it isn’t about the looks when you need core functionality of downloading videos. The resulting screen had a search bar along with some featured videos. After running some quick video searches, we were able to determine that this app actually came with integrated YouTube search that allows you to search any video subject to availability.